
Friday, December 10, 2010

Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude toward us.”
-- John N. Mitchell  1815-1875

The attitude that we have towards the things we do is what determines the results.  If we have a bad attitude toward something, then it won't turn out well.  We shouldn't expect good things to come when we are so negative about it.  Having good attitude can even make things fun for us!  If we show good attitude about life then life shall be good to us back.  We make our own ways of  life and the attitude we choose to have towards life.  Having a good attitude towards life will make your life easier and much more enjoyable than if you have a bad attitude.  LIfe has the same exact attitude on you as you have towards life.  Choose the Right and always keep in mind that your attitude is what differs for you being good to being GREAT!! =D

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Sportsmanship is what helps win the games and be even more successful. Having good sportsmanship allows you to get things done faster and with the help of other. Sportsmanship can help you learn even more than what you know.  For example, you can learn from others who may know some things that you don't. It can help you get better at what you do. This also lets you teach the others what you know that they may not and help them get better as well. Sportsmanship helps everyone succeed.

A great example of good Sportsmanship was shown yesterday when the Los Angeles Lakers worked together to defeat the Los Angeles Clippers.  At a point they were loosing and it seemed that the game was lost for the Lakers but sportsmanship is what helped them win.  They didn't give up even with 3 seconds on the clock.  The Lakers put their trust in Derek Fisher those last 3 seconds and made an excellent play that won the game 87-86 LAKERS right at the buzzer!  The Clippers also showed great sportsmanship bringing the game that close

I believe that Sportsmanship is very important in many things.  It is very useful and a big part in sports, work, school, and other things that involve working with others.  Have good sportsmanship with a great attitude and you along with everyone els will succeed!! =D

"Good Sportsmanship leads THE TEAM to success."

Monday, December 6, 2010

x-box 360!!

There has been a lot of competition between xbox 360 and ps3. Many think that the PS3 is better because the PS3 has free online and blue-ray. Truth is both systems are pretty much the same and well, since the PS3 is newer than the xbox 360 of course its going to be a little more advance. With the xbox 360 you can connect it to a pc and do a lot of cool things with it since the xbox was made by microsoft. So both systems have really cools things you can do.