
Monday, December 6, 2010

x-box 360!!

There has been a lot of competition between xbox 360 and ps3. Many think that the PS3 is better because the PS3 has free online and blue-ray. Truth is both systems are pretty much the same and well, since the PS3 is newer than the xbox 360 of course its going to be a little more advance. With the xbox 360 you can connect it to a pc and do a lot of cool things with it since the xbox was made by microsoft. So both systems have really cools things you can do.


  1. I want the xbox kinect i hear its so much fun O:

  2. oh wow awesome recording i would perfer ps3 though:D

  3. i like it:) i have a PS3 and i think that its pretty good. The xbox is cool to with that conect thing.... i like it to cause it has the dancing video game

  4. it all about xbox
    ps3 is lame
    we did a good job =)

  5. I Got A Ps3 Tattoo On My Back Right Next To Willys Name! ;)
